
Posts Tagged ‘becoming one’

Becoming One

Disclaimer: Sex is part of this post. If you, even remotely, have the capacity of being offended, please don’t read.  I believe that most will find this mild by most standards. While for me it is a stretch; I’m more of an old fuddy-duddy than most.  Just saying, be forewarned at the potential discomfort; and possible offense that one might find.



Khesed had had sex before.

It wasn’t a taboo subject in Blood Elf culture as it was in others. He even remembered one of the first time his dad brought it up.

He was about to go out with this fine looking Huntress. She was a sight to behold in her tight leathers. Pulling her bow taught, he could see her finely tuned muscles rippling. Her animal companion was some sort of big cat she tamed in Darkshore. He was never really interested in the cat, just her.

Dad said, “Son, I want to talk to you about something. I know you’re going out tonight, and I know you’re probably going to find yourself in a position to copulate with the young hunter.”

Dad was a mage. It was always embarrassing when he used stuffy words like “copulate” instead of something more main stream. At least he didn’t say, “whoopi or wanka-wanka”

Khesed said, “I know dad. We already went over the protective enchants to make sure no diseases pass, and to keep her from getting pregnant. Gah!”

“Yes son, but I wanted to talk about your expectations.”

“What? What do you mean by that?” Khesed actually looked interested in the conversation.

“Well son, it goes like this. I don’t know one Blood Elf male that doesn’t believe his is the Nether’s gift to Maiden kind. He mistakenly believes that he’ll ‘go all night,’ ’till the break of dawn,’ ‘rock her soxors,’ ‘ride her hard and put her down wet’ and other such nonsense.

Let me tell you now, you’re gonna have the stamina of a wet noodle.”

Khesed turned a bit red, but respectfully continued to listen.

“It’s kind of like that cannon ride at the Darkmoon Faire. You know the one, where they shoot you out, and you try to land in that floating circle in the water.

You wait and wait and wait, to finally get in. There is this initial explosion of excitement, BAM off you go. You’re flying high for a moment, not able to believe the heights of exultation you’re experiencing…and thirty seconds later…there’s a splash and it’s over.”

The younger Khesed rolls his eyes.

“Son, you need to hear this. I don’t want you and/or her embarrassed by the end of the night. You need to learn a little bit about foreplay. I know your mother likes it like this: start off slow, maybe do a little bit of…”


Khesed remembered bolting for the door to get as far away from that conversation as possible. Some things a young man just should never hear…much less get a mental picture of.

To his dad’s credit. He was right.

He knew he was in trouble when the young hunter brought out a bull whip and said, “The safe word is ‘Whoa Nelly!'”

He tries not to think very often of that experience.

Then there was the Priest…or, he should say the Shadow Priest.

They were definitely having sex, almost violently so.

He could never be sure, but he always thought that she Mana Tapped him during every climax she obtained.

To say that he was drained at the end of the experience was an understatement.

But, Alienna was something different. As he would later reminisce, this was the first time he had ever truly made love.

They were slow, but not because it was planned. They just enjoyed every inch of each others bodies. He didn’t want to forget anything. He drank her up with his eyes and with his lips. He wanted to remember every part of her, from the tip of her horns to the edge of her hoof. He was oh so gentle with her tail, knowing it to be a rare pleasure for any male to be able to caress it.

She returned the favor, making the night a long and pleasurable experience for both of them.

They acted as one in every movement. Their bodies collided, not violently, but in a melody of sublime intricacies. Every move was in sync with the other. Every rise and fall a heavenly cadence.

There was no taking, only a giving upon the part of each other. Each desiring to serve the bodily needs of the other. They were so in tune with each other that as they climaxed together, they no longer could tell where one person began and the other ended. They were one.

That night, Khesed knew that he had fallen in love with Alienna. Not a Draenei, not an Aldor, definitely not a Spacegoat. A man and a woman, finding completeness in the arms of the other.

Khesed was willing to do anything to be with her from that day forward.

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