
Posts Tagged ‘Khesed’

Becoming One

Disclaimer: Sex is part of this post. If you, even remotely, have the capacity of being offended, please don’t read.  I believe that most will find this mild by most standards. While for me it is a stretch; I’m more of an old fuddy-duddy than most.  Just saying, be forewarned at the potential discomfort; and possible offense that one might find.



Khesed had had sex before.

It wasn’t a taboo subject in Blood Elf culture as it was in others. He even remembered one of the first time his dad brought it up.

He was about to go out with this fine looking Huntress. She was a sight to behold in her tight leathers. Pulling her bow taught, he could see her finely tuned muscles rippling. Her animal companion was some sort of big cat she tamed in Darkshore. He was never really interested in the cat, just her.

Dad said, “Son, I want to talk to you about something. I know you’re going out tonight, and I know you’re probably going to find yourself in a position to copulate with the young hunter.”

Dad was a mage. It was always embarrassing when he used stuffy words like “copulate” instead of something more main stream. At least he didn’t say, “whoopi or wanka-wanka”

Khesed said, “I know dad. We already went over the protective enchants to make sure no diseases pass, and to keep her from getting pregnant. Gah!”

“Yes son, but I wanted to talk about your expectations.”

“What? What do you mean by that?” Khesed actually looked interested in the conversation.

“Well son, it goes like this. I don’t know one Blood Elf male that doesn’t believe his is the Nether’s gift to Maiden kind. He mistakenly believes that he’ll ‘go all night,’ ’till the break of dawn,’ ‘rock her soxors,’ ‘ride her hard and put her down wet’ and other such nonsense.

Let me tell you now, you’re gonna have the stamina of a wet noodle.”

Khesed turned a bit red, but respectfully continued to listen.

“It’s kind of like that cannon ride at the Darkmoon Faire. You know the one, where they shoot you out, and you try to land in that floating circle in the water.

You wait and wait and wait, to finally get in. There is this initial explosion of excitement, BAM off you go. You’re flying high for a moment, not able to believe the heights of exultation you’re experiencing…and thirty seconds later…there’s a splash and it’s over.”

The younger Khesed rolls his eyes.

“Son, you need to hear this. I don’t want you and/or her embarrassed by the end of the night. You need to learn a little bit about foreplay. I know your mother likes it like this: start off slow, maybe do a little bit of…”


Khesed remembered bolting for the door to get as far away from that conversation as possible. Some things a young man just should never hear…much less get a mental picture of.

To his dad’s credit. He was right.

He knew he was in trouble when the young hunter brought out a bull whip and said, “The safe word is ‘Whoa Nelly!'”

He tries not to think very often of that experience.

Then there was the Priest…or, he should say the Shadow Priest.

They were definitely having sex, almost violently so.

He could never be sure, but he always thought that she Mana Tapped him during every climax she obtained.

To say that he was drained at the end of the experience was an understatement.

But, Alienna was something different. As he would later reminisce, this was the first time he had ever truly made love.

They were slow, but not because it was planned. They just enjoyed every inch of each others bodies. He didn’t want to forget anything. He drank her up with his eyes and with his lips. He wanted to remember every part of her, from the tip of her horns to the edge of her hoof. He was oh so gentle with her tail, knowing it to be a rare pleasure for any male to be able to caress it.

She returned the favor, making the night a long and pleasurable experience for both of them.

They acted as one in every movement. Their bodies collided, not violently, but in a melody of sublime intricacies. Every move was in sync with the other. Every rise and fall a heavenly cadence.

There was no taking, only a giving upon the part of each other. Each desiring to serve the bodily needs of the other. They were so in tune with each other that as they climaxed together, they no longer could tell where one person began and the other ended. They were one.

That night, Khesed knew that he had fallen in love with Alienna. Not a Draenei, not an Aldor, definitely not a Spacegoat. A man and a woman, finding completeness in the arms of the other.

Khesed was willing to do anything to be with her from that day forward.

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Awkward Introduction


It took a few days for Khesed to recover. Once he replenished his own inner fortitude, he could finally heal himself.

Those few days gave him some time time to think. Krum and Xexell came by a few times to check on him…and laugh at him. Rightly so, it seems.

He had gone into battle distracted. He had proven to be a liability to himself and his comrades. He had gotten hurt, and could have been killed. This can’t be allowed to happen again, plain and simple.

Looking at himself in a mirror, he speaks to the open air.

“I need to see her again. I need to talk to her, even if it is just to lay it all to rest. I mean, come on. It isn’t like this can actually happen! She’s an Aldor, I’m a Scryer. I’m a Blood Elf. She’s a Draenei. If anything, we’re more likely to kill each other than actually love each other. I’m sure she isn’t feeling any affection towards me!”

Khesed waisted most of the day around his quarters. He ate something. Tasted like fish, but he couldn’t remember enough to tell you later. He waited for the time to pass, for the evening to arrive. Around early evening, he made his way to the World’s End Tavern.

The night was still young, so not many patrons filled the seats as of yet. An amplified voice filled all of Shattrath, “Elite Tauren Chieftains playing at the World’s End Tavern in one hour! One hour until the Elite Tauren Chieftains!”

“Great!” Khesed thought to himself. “The tavern is going to be packed tonight.” He ordered a glass of wine from the barkeep, and sat down at a table in the corner. “I wonder if this will be a draw for her, or keeps her from showing up tonight.”

He noticed Kylene making her way around the few patrons who made their way in thus far. She was not only a barmaid, but a great cook as well. Khesed had gotten more than a few tips from her during his time in Shattrath.

He waved her over, “Kylene, good evening.”

“Well hello there handsome! Desire a second glass of wine before you finish the first, eh?”

“No, not yet. Though, I’m certain a second will see this table before I’m done. No, I’ve a question for you.”

“What is it my boy. But make it quick, people are coming in.”

“I’m looking for a Draenei woman, one I had the honor of meeting a few weeks ago. A little taller than I, swept back horns, lighter colored hair, eyes a man could get lost into…” *cough* “Sorry about that.”

Kylene couldn’t help but smile. “A bit smitten, are you?!” Now she let out a pure giggle of glee. “I’ve seem more than one Blood Knight fall for one of those wagging tails!”

Khesed’s face went from tan, to pink, to red…which made Kylene laugh all the more.

“Give me a second Khesed, I know the one you speak of. I’ve seen her in here almost every night for the past week. Seems the Aldorks were doing some work amidst the bird people up in the hills a week or so ago. She was in here, asking about you! I could hardly believe it. A squid asking about one of our pretty boy pallies!”

Khesed’s eyes widened more than a bit. He could feel his heart rate quicken. “She was asking about me? Did she seem mad about something? Did she look like she wanted to see me, or kill me?!”

“Cool it, meat shield! I asked around about you, and Krum told me about your injuries. I mentioned that to her a couple of days ago, and by the old gods she actually seemed worried about you.” Shaking her head. “Never saw that coming.”

About that time, Kylene’s eyes made their way to the door. “Hey goldilocks, look at the piece of spacegoat that just walked in.” She smiled at him, patted him on the back, and waved to a certain Draenei motioning her to come over to Khesed’s table.

Khesed was almost too afraid to lift his head up to look. This is ridiculous! He had taken on everything from Ogres to Pit Lords! He should not be afraid of one Aldor maiden!

Looking up, his breath caught in his throat. He was stunned by her sheer beauty. The elegance of her body. The way she floated across the floor to his table. Her face was flawless, her lips full, her eyes deep pools to get lost within.

She smiled as she saw him, but then a look of uncertainty swept across her face. Almost looking embarrassed, she made her way to his table.

Kylene let out a burst of laughter, startling them both! “Oh, by the gods you two. You would think that you weren’t both adults! Here, let me start this off.

I bet you don’t even know each other’s names, right? Ok, so… Khesed, this is Alienna, priestess of the light. Alienna, this is Khesed, Blood Knight and Shieldbearer of the same.

I believe you two have something to say to each other.”

And with that, Kylene walked off in the midst of the growing crowd.

“So…Uh… Hi.” Khesed could have smacked himself in the face with a battle mace.
Alienna smiled, “Hi. Um…How are you feeling? I heard that you got hurt”

“I’m doing well, thank you. The Ogre that got me didn’t fair to well, though. A couple of my friends beat him down, and lit him up like a torch.” Khesed smiled and Alienna gave a soft laugh.

A- “Friends are good to have in times of adversity, yes?”

K- “Yes, I agree. They are beyond their weight in gold. So, how have you been doing? Has it been three weeks since we last met?” Khesed had an involuntary choking sound escape him at the thought of their last encounter. His face reddened again.

Turning red as well, Alienna said, “I’m doing well, thank you. We had to deal with some of the Arakkoa a week or so ago. Not to hard to handle, but I found my own head wasn’t all quite there.”

“Me too!” *cough* “I mean, I found it hard to concentrate in our battle with the Ogres for some reason. It’s the main reason I found myself injured. It was quite embarrassing, to be honest.”

The crowd kept growing, and the band was setting up for the show. People were jostling each other as it became tighter and tighter.

Alienna swung around the table to sit next to Khesed as the throng of people grew.

Their hands lightly touched each other, and neither one of them made an attempt to retract their fingers. Soon, both of her hands were in Khesed’s palm, with is other hand lightly stroking the top of them. The band began to play, starting out loud and strong, yet neither of them seemed to notice. Both were lost in the face of the other. They drew closer together, now their hands, forearms, and elbows were touching. His foot lightly made it’s way around hers, calf meeting calf.

Getting up as one, they made their way to the barkeep. Paying for a room, they made their way upstairs.

They may not know where this was all going to end up. But they knew where they both wanted to be tonight.

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The battle for Blade’s Edge wasn’t a complete unmitigated disaster.

Just mostly so.

It started out normal enough. The ogres were beginning to harass travelers. There was even a not-so-successful attack against Mok’Nathal Village.

The idea was to bloody their nose a little bit. They could give the Laughing Skull Clan a good wallop, and they would crawl back into their canyons leaving travelers alone.

At least, that was the plan.

Khesed could have figured out that things weren’t going to go well. He still couldn’t get his thoughts straight, even on the wyvern flight to Mok’Nathal Village.

He would try to center himself. He firmly believed in the “mind-no-mind” concept of battle. Working out of instinct and years of training. He often used the wyvern flights as a time to calm his mind, clear it of distractions, and ready himself for the battle.

Today was different.

He still smelled her.  He still felt her. He still saw her in his mind’s eye.

Everytime he closed his eyes to meditate, he would see her eyes looking back at him.

They landed and imediately went into formation. His squad formed up behind him quickly.  They were a part of a larger group, made up of five squads; twelve combatants per squad.  Each squad made up of two healers, two heavily armored meat shields, with eight heavy damage dealers made up of mages, archers, and explosive melee types.

Khesed and Krum made up the meat shield contingent. Xexell, of course, loved to light people up from afar as a fire mage.

The larger contingent made its way down into the cavern, seeing the Ogre’s huts in the distance.

About five miles out, they broke into their squads, each focusing on a particular area to subdue.  They were to take out most of the leaders they come across, which would end up quelling the Ogre’s attacks for a while.

Of course, that meant looking for the largest, ugliest, utterly disgusting Ogres they could find.

Khesed’s group was responsible for the southern portion, closest to the cave route leading to the Orebor Harborage.

They attacked as they usually did. They start with the “shock and awe,” of fire balls and explosive shots.

“Sneak attack” wasn’t their normal mode of operation.

On top of it, Khesed’s mind never got into the right place.

His reactions were just a second slower than usual.  His normal prayers and spells, which usually flowed from his lips, came haltingly.

Halfway through the fight, with a giant Ogre looming overhead, Khesed found himself flat on his back with a huge club coming down towards his head.

All he could see was a single Draenei face, with a single sultry-quirky smile.

A huge blast of fire brought him out of it, rocking the Ogre back; its club falling away in splinters.  He see’s Krum practically leap forward, as a bullet out of a rifle, shield first, slamming into the chest of the giant beast.  He heard Xexell screaming, “Khesed!”

Khesed vaguely thinks to himself, “Xexell, she must have been where the fireball came from.”

He hears a grunt come from Krum, as he takes the Ogre’s head off at the shoulders with one massive swipe of his sword.

Arising, Krum looks at him, “Khes…what is your problem!? Get up Blood Knight, before I put my everlovin’ foot up your Blood Elf ass!”


Coming to his senses, Khesed picks himself up. Faltering a bit, unsteady on his feet, Xexell comes quickly to his side. Sending off a magical bolt of ice past Khesed’s head, she takes him under his arm. Leaning upon her, they make their way to the back of the line.

Khesed never remembered very much of that battle in days to come. He took some brutal hits, and later found out that he had almost died if not for the healers on hand. The one thing he did remember was a face of a Draenei woman making its way in and out of his consciousness.

When Khesed came fully awake, he saw the huge form of Krum lying in a cot against a far wall of his room. Somehow, they had gotten him back to Shattrath City. Trying to sit up, a gasp escaped his lips. Khesed was sure that he had more than one busted rib. Krum turned over, noticing that Khesed was awake. Sitting up, “How are you doing, Khes?  Feeling a bit better?”

Grimacing, Khesed said, “I’ve seen worse. You would think that the healers would have mended my ribs though.”

Krum smiled a bit, “They wanted to; but the Commander told them not to. He said something about lessons needing to be learned; and the best teacher being pain.”

“Well, aren’t I the lucky one then. The Commander being so worked up over my continuing education and all.” Khesed couldn’t help but smile at that.  He knew good and well that the Commander only cared about battle readiness. If he thought you weren’t going to learn from something, he was just as quick to turn you into a cook than keep you in a battle division.

“At least he thinks I’m salvageable,” Khesed said has he gingerly poked at his bandaged ribs.

Krum looked at him, “Look Khes, I’m don’t know what’s going on. But, you need to take care of this.  You were distracted out there. It almost killed you, and could have killed us as well.”

Giving Khesed a firm nod, “You need to figure out what you need to do concerning this Draenei woman. For your sake, and ours.”

Arising to leave, Krum looked back; “I’m your friend. I’m with you, no matter what happens. Just… Just, don’t be stupid. You damn Blood Elves get so caught up in yourselves. Don’t make me knock some sense into your pointy eared skull. Why you would prefer Spacegoat when there is beautiful, bountiful, wonderful Orc female flesh out there is beyond me!”

Smiling at his friend, Krum took his leave mumbling about needing something to eat.

He was right, Khesed knew it.  He had to come to his senses concerning this Aldor maiden.  Surely he wasn’t falling in love. Oh, by all the ancestors, NO!  But, he had to admit that his inability to concentrate was overwhelming.

He needed to find her…at least one more time.

Trying to get up, he ended up falling back into the bed. The pain in his chest was just to great.  He was too weak for his own healing abilities to take affect. Looked like it was going to be another day of resting before he could get back to the World’s End Tavern to possibly run into her.

Looking towards the far wall, he notices his reflection in a mirror.

“Falling in love with a Draenei, Khesed?  Almost getting yourself killed? Any other great ideas, you dumb bastard?”

With that, he laid back down for some of that rest he so desperately needed.

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The next morning she was gone with nary a word.  To say they were both embarrassed would be an understatement.  She was Aldor, he was Scryers.  These sort of things just didn’t happen! She made her way out of the room, with but a glance in the direction of Khesed.  Khesed could barely keep his eyes open, due to the headache he was experiencing.  Be could barely get the cleansing prayer together in his mind; and when he was better…she was gone.
He didn’t even know her name!

To think, just a few years ago he would have been one of the Blood Knights hunting down the Draenei refugees that crash landed on Azeroth.

Khesed just shook his head as he left The World’s End Tavern.

On the way to the Scryer’s Tower, he ran into Krum. Krum was a giant of an orc; as one would imagine an orc warrior to be. But, he was also Khesed’s friend. Alongside of him was another of his comrade in arms, Xexell.  She was one of the Blood Elves, as well as one of the Scryer’s mages, and regularly enjoyed harassing the young Lieutenant.

“Hey Krum,” Xexell said loudly as Khesed approached.

“Yes, Xexell,” he replied with a gleam in his eye.

Xexell, very loudly so everyone could hear said, “Don’t we have some regulation regarding bestiality and our officers? I thought only humans and gnomes enjoyed a nightly plate of spacegoat!”

Xexell and Krum literally fell into each other’s arms laughing as Khesed approached with his face turning a bright red.

“Don’t you have something better to be doing right now? We do have orders you know.” Khesed sounded terse, but a small smile began to creep into the edges of his frown.

“Come on you two, we need to get our things and head to the flight path.  We leave for Blade’s Edge in two hours, which means the Commander wants to see us in one.”

Krum and Xexell fell in behind Khesed, laughing and making crude comments about having spacegoat tail for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

All Khesed could do was shake his head.

Krum and Xexell may have believed it was a disapproving shake of his head, but in actuality Khesed was trying to clear his thinking.  He hated to admit it, but he couldn’t get the Draenei clothie out of his head.  While much of it was lost in the fog of alcohol; he still remembered quite a bit.

He wasn’t that drunk.

Damned, if he hadn’t become smitten with the Aldor maiden.

He couldn’t seem to get her out of his head.  Her smile was brilliant in his mind. Her eyes were all enveloping.

Her body… He began to turn red all over again, remembering every bump and curve. He had ran his fingers lightly over every part of her as they slowly made love. He could still see her, still taste her, still smell her.

What was happening to him?!

Shaking his head, he muttered to himself, “Dumb bastard.”

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500 Words

Ok, so I mentioned the 500 Words thingy. Feel free to click on the pic in the upper right hand corner.

What am I doing?

I want to write 500 words a day for the month of January. I want some consistent writing (on my part) to be done. I feel that I work better in the midst of a “challenge/goal” than me just saying: “I’m gonna write moar this year, YO!”

There goes the white, middle aged, male trying to be hip again!

So, I’m going to be writing 500+ words every day. Which will be around 3500+ words a week.

This does not mean that I’m promising to post every day. Or instance, I’ve written over 1700 words over the last three days, but not for the blog.

It was work related.

If the future holds true to form, it will probably mean WoW related writing at least for Monday and Tuesday. So, I’m thinking there will probably posts up for those days.

That’s about as clear as mud, right?!

Yeah, thought so.

Also, I’m writing this on my smart phone/WP app. Who knows what it’s going to look like when I hit “post.”

That being said, we shall not leave Khesed and his un-named companion to drift. Their story of happenstance, pain and ultimate relief will continue soon.

Until then, give someone next to you a hug. And be sure to duck if they are total strangers!


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A horrible storm raged around him, forcing Khesed to spend the night in Stonebreaker Hold on route to Shattrath City. Making sure his wyvern was properly taken care of, he headed towards the Inn.

Entering into the establishment, Innkeeper Grilka waived him over.

“Back from the front, paladin? What can I get for you?”

Khesed responded, “A place to rest, something strong to drink. What else does a warrior need?”

Grilka smiled at Khesed, pulling out a skin Sin’dorei wine.

“Something stronger please. I have memories that I don’t desire to entertain tonight,” Khesed said with very little emotion.

Grilka grunted, putting the Sin’dorei wine up and pulling something else out.

“It’s dwarven. Don’t ask me what it is, for I’m really not sure. But, I know it practically eats away paint, rust, and a number of other things. Just don’t ask me where I got it.”

Khesed nods, “I appreciate this greatly.” He places the fee for the drink and bed on the counter with a grateful nod.

The bed wasn’t much. It was more of a hammock attached to the wall and a pole. The walls were animal hides in true Nagrand style.

He didn’t care. What ever this dwarven drink may be, he was sure it would knock him out
before he finished it.

By the nether, it was stout!

It wasn’t that he was afraid to dream. He just preferred to not remember it the next morning.

He could feel it coming on as he drifted into the alcohol induced stupor.

The dream began as it usually did.

Looking up, he sees it. The sign of the World End’s Tavern. He and a number of other Scryers were regulars there. They liked to show up the night before, toasting the future exploits they would have in battle. They would show up when they got back, toasting those whom they lost in battle.

He’s sitting inside now, raising his glass with the others when she walks in. A Draenei woman walks in with a group of Aldor.


Usually, that isn’t a problem. Khadgar’s Servant made it very clear to him that violence would not be tolerated within the city. Also, Khesed really didn’t care about the Aldor. Not that he liked or disliked them. He just didn’t care about them.

She was good looking…for a Draenei.

Soft blue glow to her skin. Petite horns, slightly curving back over her white gleaming hair.  The thin robe she was wearing left little to the imagination.. To say she was healthy would be an understatement. She had both an air of beauty, dignity with a dash of playfulness. There was no doubt that she could easily handle the staff she carried on her back.

He also had to later admit…she had a fine tail.


Eventually the jibes started coming. To be honest, he never can seem to remember how it all began. All he remembers is that he’s throwing sarcastic remarks back and forth with the rest of them.

Again, no one is really angry. No one was stupid enough to pull anything. But, the exchange does get a bit heated, especially with the Draenei female. Maybe it was the way she carried herself. Maybe it was the way she threatened him with her staff. Before he knew it, they went from arguing to their own private room there at the World’s End.

What a dumb move. What a stupid move.

“Dumb bastard,” Khesed mumbles to himself  tossing and turning into the night.


*a great thanks to Askevar for the use of one of her alts as the model for the Draenei in Khesed’s storyline!

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Flinging himself into battle, Khesed shouts; “May the blessings of our fathers be upon you!”

It seems that every Scryer on the battlefield was enveloped with a holy light. Each one gained strength, quickness, and keener insight.

Having blessed his comrades in arms, Khesed flings himself into the battle.

He runs forward, stepping upon and leaping forward into the air from the back of a foe doubled over from a stomach wound. He lands in the midst of a group of Kael’thas’ Sunfury Bloodwarders, seeming to land with one knee and one hand touching the ground.

“Burn with holy fire,” he mouths quietly. The ground seems to erupt with holy flames, burning every foe within ten feet of him.

He immediately strikes out with his weapon…Foe Reaver it was once called… not only striking the Sunfury Bloodwarder in front of him; but sending waves of holy power around him. Seeming to strike other surrounding foes, pounding into their bodies.

Calling holy energy from within, he strikes a Sunfury Magister a bit beyond the warrior in front of him. He immediately slams his shield into the warrior, as righteous energy seems to double the impact.

The warrior stumbles back, allowing Khesed to grip his sword even tighter; and with a thought sending more holy energy out around him as a holy shockwave.

The Bloodwarder drops, never to rise again and Khesed lunges into the Magister, impaling him upon his sword.

Other attackers decide to ignore their previous targets, deciding that he was more of a threat.

Attacked from three sides, his shield takes one hit; his sword deflects another, and his back plate deflects an attack from the rear.

Spinning in a circle of light, the ground erupts with renewed holy flames around him. Slashing the foe in front of him, he also calls forth the holy energy from within to burn the Bloodwarder even more with holy fire. Khesed seems to be mouthing words, almost as silent prayers with each slash, parry, and strike.

The Bloodwarder in front of him slumps over, taking the full effect of the divine judgment, expending his last breath.

The other two took advantage of Khesed’s concentration upon their brother in arms. One slashed down upon Khesed, beating upon his shield time and time again. The other had made his way around to his opposite flank, lunging for a mid-level strike to pierce his ribs.

While his armor took much of the impact, the weapon did make its way through. Khesed grimaced as the blade pierced his side. Calling forth the holy power, his wound began to mend. Yet, he was still wounded and he knew he had to finish these two off quickly.

Calling forth the holy power of the Naaru, his body seems to glow as a vessel overflowing with light. Letting out a massive surge of power in a holy shock to his enemies; they stumble back in pain. One falls, not getting back up. Khesed leaps towards the other before he recomposes himself. Slamming into him with his shield, then planting his sword into his chest.

Looking up, he sees that the battle is starting to wain around him. The forces of the Naaru drive Kael’thas’ forces back. They’ve secured the area as required, the last Manaforge was finally theirs. Khesed falls to a knee utterly exhausted.

He hates what comes next.

So exhausted that not even the adrenaline rushing through his body can force the thoughts out of his mind.

During the battle, there is no thinking. There is action and reaction. There are forms, immediate spells and prayers…all deeply rooted into his being. He does it all without thinking, one fluid motion of death. Reacting to each stimuli as it presents itself.

But afterwards, when his mental defenses are down, he remembers.

The memories, along with the wave of emotions, crash into him like a personal Holy Shock. Cascading through his body, with just as much pain as the spell he learned to cast so long ago.

His child. His first and only child, disappearing before his eyes in the shaft of Naaru generated light.

Getting up, he pulls his helm down tighter upon his head. People will assume that the tears are from his wound to his side. But, where the holy energy is mending that wound; it can’t do anything for his sundered soul.

He makes his way back to Area 52 with the rest of the formation. From there, a brief meal and then a wyvern ride back to Shattrath City.

This… This wasn’t working. He was going to speak with the Seer, Voren’thal.

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