
Archive for the ‘General’ Category

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,400 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 40 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

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Hello all!

It’s been way to long.  I’m glad to say that I’m still alive and kicking.  Let me take this time to update you on what has been going on.

1. I survived my 5 weeks at COT (Commissioned Officer Training).

That was an experience. Yes, there was a lot of yelling. There was a lot of anxiety, fear and frustration. I spent my first week there sick to my stomach. I threw up more than once, had no appetite to speak of.  It isn’t something I would want to repeat.  I was told that the first 10 days to 2 weeks would be the worse part of it, and that is the truth.  If you can survive the first 10 training days, then the rest is cake.

Not pie… Cake.

I might tell you more about that later.

2. I’m at my first assignment.

My family and I have been here for a week, on the nose.  This has been “in processing,” which included a list of folks to find and get their initials. At times I had to turn something in. Other times, I had to get some computer based training done (aka CBTs). Other times, it was some sort of briefing (some with power point displays, some without). I only need two more initials to complete my list, and should have those by Tuesday or Wednesday.  I don’t know where I’ll be assigned yet, but I’ll be happy wherever.  Everyone I’ve met has been great. The Chapel team is exceptional, and I’m glad to be a part of it.

I still have one more training to complete to really start things off. I’ll be gone for “Basic Chaplain’s Course” some time in August thru September.

3. In our house!

We sold our old home and signed a lease on a really nice home a couple of days ago. Timing was wonderful. The only problem is, our household goods won’t be here until July 17th.

Yeah, the 17th. 😦

So, we are camping out indoors for the moment. I’m writing this from a cheap card table that we bought at Walmart a day ago.  It, and a couple of borrowed inflatable mattresses are all we have in the way of furniture.  It’s ok though. We’ll be alright.

We did get our internet! I mean, we all have to have priorities… Amirite?!

4. So, when is Z gonna be back in WoW?

To be honest, I’m not sure.  I think that I might be back sometime this month. However, that might be just in time for me to then leave for my next training. I’m fairly certain that I’ll start playing again once I get back from my training. WoW is still one of the best values you can find when it comes to hobbies.  I’m looking forward to resubbing and goofing off with the Frostwolves.

One thing I do know is that my play times will be different. I was able to play at least a couple, if not three mornings a week before. That will definitely change. Now, I get up for PT and then head straight into work. The nice thing is that the schedule is 7:30 am to 4:30 pm (most of the time). Sure, there will be times when I get out way later, but that seems about normal. So, it looks like I’ll be heading back to the 9pm-11pm play time.

This makes me sad, because that means I won’t be able to play with some of my Aussie friends in those early mornings. But, there is still a group of folks from down under who are on around my evening times, and I’ll be able to contribute to the guild as I had been able to do in the past.

So, I’m looking forward to getting back into things. If not before my next training, then afterwards.

5. I missed y’all.

I don’t want to be all sappy, but I did miss y’all. I have much in my Feedly to catch up on. So many blogs, and so many weeks that I wasn’t able to read your wisdom, insights, and WoW related ramblings. I may not comment, but know that I’m using this time to read all of your previous posts!


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I want a new title. I want:

“Helper Zwingli”

Now, the title I’m wearing “Farmer Zwingli” is highly appropriate.  I can honestly say that I spend most of my time farming up veggies, hunting up the meat, and making the Pandaren Treasure Noodle Carts.

Now, for those interested, there are purely mercenary reasons for doing this. The Frostwolves use an ELPEKGDLP…Some sort of thingy that allows raiders to gain points. Based upon their number of points they have access to special items AND they can use spend these point on LOOTZ!!!  One of the way you gain these points is by getting raid materials together, and the aforementioned carts are one of those items that we can turn in to gain points.

There’s only one problem…

I’m not a raider!

I’m sitting here with the most point of any person in the guild, and I’M NEVER GOING TO TURN THEM IN!!!

“What a waste of time,” you may say.

I think not.

You see, here’s the thing.  We all play for our own particular reasons.  Some play to raid. Some play to rp. Some play to socialize in /gchat.

I would guess that there are as many reasons to play WoW as there are players.

For me, it’s all about helping.

I’m not saying I’m being altruistic. It doesn’t mean that other’s aren’t helping.  It means that this is the way that I’ve found that I can add the greatest value to the guild that I can.  While I’m a solo player, I really want to be a help to my guild.

What do I get out of it?  I’m glad you asked.  I get my strokes from it.

1) It feels good.  Please understand, this is a pretty nice reward in and of itself. I feel like I’m adding something positive.

2) I get a kick out of Navi mentioning it in vent. I’ve asked about giving my points to other raiders, but she put the ka-bosh down on that idea quickly.

3)  It gives me a reason to log in, even if it is just for a few minutes to harvest my crops.

And, 4) if by some random chance RNGesus allows me to raid, get a normal Garrosh kill, and that beautiful BOA Bow drops (heck, I’d be happy with the Flex version)…I’m sooooooo spending all of my points on it!

Again, I think we all have our reasons why we play. For me, I want to help out my guildies as best as I can, given the play time I have.

What about you?  Why do you play?


P.s. Please send your prayers and kind thoughts my way. It’s only a month before I report to COT for my 5 week introduction *cough* to USAF life as a Chaplain.  I’m giving my 4 weeks notice at my job (yes that’s a thing), selling our house, trying to get into better shape (10min mile, here I come!) Things are winding down here at an atomic pace.  This will be the first time I’ve been separated from my family for any length of time. I just want everything to go as smoothly as possible.


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A horrible storm raged around him, forcing Khesed to spend the night in Stonebreaker Hold on route to Shattrath City. Making sure his wyvern was properly taken care of, he headed towards the Inn.

Entering into the establishment, Innkeeper Grilka waived him over.

“Back from the front, paladin? What can I get for you?”

Khesed responded, “A place to rest, something strong to drink. What else does a warrior need?”

Grilka smiled at Khesed, pulling out a skin Sin’dorei wine.

“Something stronger please. I have memories that I don’t desire to entertain tonight,” Khesed said with very little emotion.

Grilka grunted, putting the Sin’dorei wine up and pulling something else out.

“It’s dwarven. Don’t ask me what it is, for I’m really not sure. But, I know it practically eats away paint, rust, and a number of other things. Just don’t ask me where I got it.”

Khesed nods, “I appreciate this greatly.” He places the fee for the drink and bed on the counter with a grateful nod.

The bed wasn’t much. It was more of a hammock attached to the wall and a pole. The walls were animal hides in true Nagrand style.

He didn’t care. What ever this dwarven drink may be, he was sure it would knock him out
before he finished it.

By the nether, it was stout!

It wasn’t that he was afraid to dream. He just preferred to not remember it the next morning.

He could feel it coming on as he drifted into the alcohol induced stupor.

The dream began as it usually did.

Looking up, he sees it. The sign of the World End’s Tavern. He and a number of other Scryers were regulars there. They liked to show up the night before, toasting the future exploits they would have in battle. They would show up when they got back, toasting those whom they lost in battle.

He’s sitting inside now, raising his glass with the others when she walks in. A Draenei woman walks in with a group of Aldor.


Usually, that isn’t a problem. Khadgar’s Servant made it very clear to him that violence would not be tolerated within the city. Also, Khesed really didn’t care about the Aldor. Not that he liked or disliked them. He just didn’t care about them.

She was good looking…for a Draenei.

Soft blue glow to her skin. Petite horns, slightly curving back over her white gleaming hair.  The thin robe she was wearing left little to the imagination.. To say she was healthy would be an understatement. She had both an air of beauty, dignity with a dash of playfulness. There was no doubt that she could easily handle the staff she carried on her back.

He also had to later admit…she had a fine tail.


Eventually the jibes started coming. To be honest, he never can seem to remember how it all began. All he remembers is that he’s throwing sarcastic remarks back and forth with the rest of them.

Again, no one is really angry. No one was stupid enough to pull anything. But, the exchange does get a bit heated, especially with the Draenei female. Maybe it was the way she carried herself. Maybe it was the way she threatened him with her staff. Before he knew it, they went from arguing to their own private room there at the World’s End.

What a dumb move. What a stupid move.

“Dumb bastard,” Khesed mumbles to himself  tossing and turning into the night.


*a great thanks to Askevar for the use of one of her alts as the model for the Draenei in Khesed’s storyline!

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2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.  I found some of this humorous, and all of it makes me love anyone who reads this blog. 🙂

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,400 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

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I’ve an idea.

I have some thinking, some scouting and some planning to do.

Be prepared

A “ZKI”™ is in process…


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We can mail BoA items between toons on different servers!!!!!

This is awesome!

You just need to make sure that you’re using the correct spelling of your toon’s name and server that you’re mailing too.

Oh, and there ARE NO SPACES between the words. Like this: “Dreah-Azuremyst”

“Dreah – Azuremyst” won’t get it there.

Ok, gushing over. You can now get back to your regularly scheduled #faffing.


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I know I’m late to the party on this one.  It’s my superhero power!

I wanted to take a few moments and be thankful. I seem to remember it going around the interwebs during Thanksgiving.

I’m thankful for my online WoW friends.

This isn’t an exhaustive list, just some of the people I’m thinking of this morning.

I’m thankful for McTacky, Xyn, Aza, Navimie and Askevar.

These are all people that have taken time to interact with me in the game, making me feel welcomed and valued.

I’m blessed to interact with McTacky, Xyn and Aza via vent most mornings. For some reason, they are the late night Ausies of the guild! Xyn was kind enough to take me on his Warbringer kills. McTacky is always willing to help out in any way he can, and is the guy to go to for random conversation!  Aza saved my tushy with his warlock, when I needed some help with a group quest.  He’s always willing to lend a hand.

You know, that kind of describes the whole late night crew of the Frostwolves: Always Willing to Help.

Of course, Navimie is our tyrannical wonderful guild leader. She’s been awesome.

All three of these guildies have gone out of their way to make me feel welcome in the Frostwolves.  My play time is diametrically opposed to almost everyone elses, but they are more than willing to hang out (and not make fun of my TX accent!).

I also mentioned Askevar. She’s another of Navimie’s Lost Blogger Initiative™ reclamations.

You know that one don’t you?  It is when WoW Bloggers end up rolling alts in the Frostwolves. If they aren’t careful, they may end up abandoning their mains, and drinking the oceanic/horde cool-aide.

*cough* Not that I would know anything about that. *cough*

Anywho, Askevar is another of my WoW friends that is always willing to chit-chat. Not only that, but she let me in on an old content raid!

I only wiped the raid once. 😉

She even said that my Alliance toon could join her current guild as a social member! 😀

I just wanted to say “Thank You” for allowing me into your virtual lives. It’s been a lot of fun, and I look forward to what WoD brings!


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This is my first WoW influenced hardware purchase, outside of a computer.


That’s right, I’ve gone ahead and bought a PC headset (Turtle Beach Ear Force Z11)!

I’ve had the cash to purchase something for a couple of weeks. I took some time to look in the different stores in my area, to see what they had. I checked prices on Amazon, and considered purchasing online.  I looked at online reviews.

But, my biggest consideration was cost. I didn’t want to spend more than $40 if I could help it.

I’m a dad with two small children in the house. These will be broken within the next six months! I can count on it.

One of the places I looked at was Best Buy. They tend to be a bit more pricey than say, Walmart; but they also tend to have a better selection.

We’ve bought other things from our local Best Buy, and even had things break.  We’ve bought the 2yr insurance from them, and sure enough; we’ve had to use it.  They replaced the products without any questions…both times.

Did I mention that I have two small children.

So, I’m one of those guys that buys the “useless” insurance…because it isn’t so useless in my house.

So, I found these for $39.99, which was a bit more than I was looking to pay. I knew that the insurance and taxes would put it over the $40 mark.  It was going to cost me around $55 after taxes and the insurance.

Then, one of their sales reps walked up to me and asked me if he could help.

This is usually when I say “no thank you,” and move on. But, for whatever reason, I told him exactly what I was looking for and why.

I wanted to purchase my very first headset for playing WoW. I have two small kids in the house, and I know it will be broken sooner or later; so I want to keep my purchase around $40.

I had that item in my hand, and he pulled out his smart phone!

He said, “With this, I can see what my competitors are selling for. We price match.”

He smiled as he said it.

It turns out, he’s a WoW player as well!

He found another store selling it for $27.99!  I was able to purchase it (tax and insurance) for $40 exactly!

My next move will be to take the online Best Buy customer service questionnaire and give him great marks! He went out of his way to save me money, and get me exactly what I wanted; all within the guidelines that Best Buy had set out for him.

I’m a happy boy!


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I can’t begin to tell you how happy I was when I realized I was fighting alongside of Gamon.


I <3 Gamon

I ❤ Gamon

I’m making my way through SoO via LFR.  This was such a treat!



P.s. I don’t personally endorse any adds placed upon this site by WordPress.com.  Just part of using a “free” service. Z.

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